Installation and Settings
Virtual Surveillance

Admin Logs

As the name suggests, these logs specifically record the activities carried out by the Admin of the store. Unlike Important Event Logs, these logs provide a more detailed analysis of actions, allowing you to track changes more thoroughly, such as comparing modifications made during a product update. It's important to note that these logs are not generated when staff members perform some activities, only Admin actions are captured.
To enable the recording of these logs, specific webhooks need to be activated. By default, we automatically enable all the available webhooks for your shop to ensure comprehensive tracking of every activity. This allows you to have visibility into all the significant changes and events happening in your store. However, you also have the flexibility to disable any webhooks that are not essential for your store. Doing so can help you conserve your shop’s log quota and avoid unnecessary data collection, keeping things more streamlined.


Logify is a Shopify app which captures real-time activities and logs from your Shopify store. It records activities related to cart, checkout, order, refund, fulfilment, inventory, product, customers, staff activities and many more.



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