Installation and Settings
Virtual Surveillance

Staff Attendance

The Staff Attendance feature provides a comprehensive overview of each staff member’s punch-in and punch-out details. This includes the current number of punched-in staff, a list of those currently available, the last punch-in and punch-out times, and more. The table provides details such as staff name, the first and last punch-in times for the day, IP address, punch status, staff photo, and location.

In the staff settings, you can configure whether staff members need to provide IP addresses, photos, and location data during punch-in. Additionally, you have the option to enable manual punch times, allowing staff to enter their own punch-in and punch-out times as needed. Since staff may punch in and out multiple times a day, you can also view a detailed attendance flow by selecting the row of the staff member in question. This feature gives you a clear, configurable view of each team member's attendance patterns and availability.

The date filter lets you narrow down attendance details to a specific time period, making it easy to review staff punch-in and punch-out records for targeted analysis. Please note that the maximum time range you can select is 7 days.


Logify is a Shopify app which captures real-time activities and logs from your Shopify store. It records activities related to cart, checkout, order, refund, fulfilment, inventory, product, customers, staff activities and many more.



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